Let the air and ideas float around me
While I sit among papers and words.
Let me submerge myself in fable and adventure
And grasp the whisper on the wind.
Today let me live in possibility,
Allowing myself to wander in wonder,
Daring to imagine the infinite
Possible combinations.
For you, O Lord, are a God of word and story.
The creator, who created me to create.
To live a life of self-expression and
Quiet the voice of denial and doubt.
I pull hope from the corner of my heart,
And banish wounds of criticism and fear.
I hold my offering gently in my hand and ask
Your spirit to breath it into life.
O creator God, create afresh in me.
Allow me to dig deep and bring forth
Character – both within and without.
Bless the work of my hands, O Lord.
Bless the work of my hands.
By Katherine J. Scott