About Katherine J. Scott

Katherine is a writer, librarian, and contemplative Christian living in Austin, Texas. Born in the US to English parents, she has a deep love for English country houses and the people who built them. Her current WIPs include the first installment of a mystery series featuring stonemason Robert Smythson and the houses he built in Elizabethan England. Other project include a duology loosely based on the Hunt for the Unicorn tapestries and a book about the British mystic Julian of Norwich.

Katherine holds two masters degrees: an MS in Biology (evolutionary and behavioral genetics) and an MSLIS (information science). She has more than twenty years experience in library and information settings including school, public, medical and special libraries, including twelve years of information management in the field of space life sciences as a NASA contractor. She is the author and editor of various publications including bibliographies, newsletters, websites, and research and position papers.

She is an active member of the Writers League of Texas and the Historical Novel Society, for which she recently served as the HNS NA 2023 Conference Bookstore and Readers Festival Coordinator. Katherine loves reading, talking about books, and helping kids find just the right book that will open up the world of literature to them or expand their reading choices. She lives with her husband, two college-aged children, and two rambunctious cats.

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