Monthly Archives: August 2016

Summer Vacation, part III

Philadelphia. Oops.  Someone who spent hours and hours planning this trip neglected to look up when and where the Democrats were having their national convention.  Oy vey!  Turns out, I had scheduled our one-day visit to Philadelphia for the same … Continue reading

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Summer Vacation, part II

Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty During our time away we had the opportunity to visit Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.  Despite growing up in the NYC suburbs, I don’t remember visiting these two locations.  It was … Continue reading

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Summer vacation, part I

The kids are (finally) back in school, and I have some mental and physical breathing room.  So, I’ll start by writing that age-old back-to-school essay: What I did on my summer vacation. This could take a while.  It was a … Continue reading

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