Category Archives: Kids

Radio Silence

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy living or writing. I have, however, been wearing my parenting hat a lot of late, answering more to the sound of “Momma?” than to … Continue reading

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I am – a poem

Over the past couple of years, I have spent some time working with kids trying to write an “I am” poem.  Recently I had another such day.  The kids stared at the prompt, not understanding what was required of them.  … Continue reading

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Summer Vacation, part II

Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty During our time away we had the opportunity to visit Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.  Despite growing up in the NYC suburbs, I don’t remember visiting these two locations.  It was … Continue reading

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Summer vacation, part I

The kids are (finally) back in school, and I have some mental and physical breathing room.  So, I’ll start by writing that age-old back-to-school essay: What I did on my summer vacation. This could take a while.  It was a … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Kids, Travel | 1 Comment

The Books of Childhood

When my parents cleaned out the house that had been their home for 30 years and moved across the country to be close to grandchildren and far from snow, they brought with them several boxes of my old belongings that … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Kids, Reading | 1 Comment