Monthly Archives: September 2015

WIP Update

So, how’s the book coming? My Work-in-Progress is part one of a planned trilogy. I have a rough draft completed and so much research it boggles the mind. But I’m not happy with the story. I started out telling one … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Reading, part II

A personal history of reading I grew up as the youngest child in a family that read. They read. I did not. I wanted to talk, to do, to make noise, to interact. They wanted to sit quietly and read. … Continue reading

Posted in Libraries, Reading | 1 Comment

Summer of C.S. Lewis: Final Thoughts

Well, I met my goal: four books in four months. One old, three new. Perhaps I cheated a little at the end, choosing a work of fiction that I had not originally planned on, but as it turned out to … Continue reading

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