Category Archives: Faith

A day apart

On Saturday I joined a group of about fifteen writers for a writers’ retreat.  A day to join others of my tribe for a day of quiet focused work in a beautiful serene setting without the normal interruptions and distractions.  … Continue reading

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Saint Francis of Assisi

A Review of "Francis of Assisi – A Revolutionary Life", by Adrian House   This is a book I have long wanted to read.  How long?  Sixteen years.  It’s been on my TBR list since I worked for our community’s … Continue reading

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The grace of substitutes

“I’m the class bookworm,” he said to me, his blue eyes meeting mine over the book cart. “Every class needs one,” I quipped back. “Yup, and I’m it.” We chatted for a few minutes about the series he had just … Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Libraries | 3 Comments

A writer’s prayer

Let the air and ideas float around me While I sit among papers and words. Let me submerge myself in fable and adventure And grasp the whisper on the wind. Today let me live in possibility, Allowing myself to wander … Continue reading

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I get knocked down….

But I get up again.  The past three weeks have sent me into a tail spin.  My faith in the basic decency of humankind has been shaken.  Apparently, we truly do not care how we treat each other as long … Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Family | 1 Comment