Category Archives: Libraries

The eBook Question.

I recently took a class taught by Anna Castle on self-publishing in which she asked the audience how many had read an ebook.  Most attendees raised their hands, including myself.  Then I got to thinking.  Sure, I read ebooks.  I … Continue reading

Posted in Book Review, Libraries, Reading, Writing | 2 Comments

The grace of substitutes

“I’m the class bookworm,” he said to me, his blue eyes meeting mine over the book cart. “Every class needs one,” I quipped back. “Yup, and I’m it.” We chatted for a few minutes about the series he had just … Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Libraries | 3 Comments

Summer Vacation, part V

Okay, last one.  I promise.  Thank you if you stuck with me throughout the journey.  Before we officially close the books on summer vacation 2016, I just want to add a few personal comments: First, I thank God for perhaps … Continue reading

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What do I want to be?

What do I want to be when I grow up? Recently I’ve been pondering this question a lot.  Having just turned 50, I feel like it might be time to answer it.  Problem is, I still don’t really have an … Continue reading

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Until we meet again

Apparently my manuscript is lying dormant for winter. It has found a nice dark cave to hibernate in, has curled up, and gone to sleep. It’s done this before. I’m learning not to panic. It will call to me again, … Continue reading

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