Category Archives: Nature

River of life

Water. Critical for our survival, water is necessary for nearly every function of the body. The human body is made up of 60% water, and without it, we can’t survive much more than 3-4 days. In scripture, water is often … Continue reading

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Trees, continued

I first mentioned my current obsession with trees here.  Please, allow me to continue to ramble on.  My current WIP takes place in a dense forest, similar to or based on the dense forests in southwest Germany or the Alsace … Continue reading

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Birds on a wire

One of the perks of driving my son to his early morning swim practice each day is the opportunity to see hundreds (thousands?) of birds congregate on the wires above a large intersection for their morning staff meeting. It is … Continue reading

Posted in Nature | 2 Comments


My daughter asked me the other day why I am so interested in trees all of a sudden.  She has noticed me researching trees, buying books about trees, and basically making the study of trees an obsession.  Why? Well, they … Continue reading

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