Category Archives: Book Review

The eBook Question.

I recently took a class taught by Anna Castle on self-publishing in which she asked the audience how many had read an ebook.  Most attendees raised their hands, including myself.  Then I got to thinking.  Sure, I read ebooks.  I … Continue reading

Posted in Book Review, Libraries, Reading, Writing | 2 Comments

Story Magic

Several months ago, I sat in a writing workshop put on by the wonderful Writer’s League of Texas, and the instructor had us do some quick writing using the skills we were learning about. I wrote about a mailman who … Continue reading

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Saint Francis of Assisi

A Review of "Francis of Assisi – A Revolutionary Life", by Adrian House   This is a book I have long wanted to read.  How long?  Sixteen years.  It’s been on my TBR list since I worked for our community’s … Continue reading

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Trees, continued

I first mentioned my current obsession with trees here.  Please, allow me to continue to ramble on.  My current WIP takes place in a dense forest, similar to or based on the dense forests in southwest Germany or the Alsace … Continue reading

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