Author Archives: Katherine J. Scott

About Katherine J. Scott

Welcome to my website and blog. I am a writer and librarian interested in historical fiction. My works in progress include a trilogy about a stonemason from Elizabethan England and a novel loosely based on the Hunt of the Unicorn Tapestries housed at the Cloisters in New York.

Creativity in the time of Covid

If you will give yourself to study, you will easy every burden of life, you will neither wish for night to come or for the light to fail; neither shall you be worried or preoccupied with other things. Seneca During … Continue reading

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Seek His face

When you said, “seek my face,” my heart said to you “your face I will seek.” Psalm 27:8 October 15, 2011.  We had just brought our cat Misty home from the shelter.   That night everyone went to bed, and I … Continue reading

Posted in Devotional, Family | 1 Comment

River of life

Water. Critical for our survival, water is necessary for nearly every function of the body. The human body is made up of 60% water, and without it, we can’t survive much more than 3-4 days. In scripture, water is often … Continue reading

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New Year comes around again

The new beginnings of January.  The time to start afresh, to set resolutions, to make goals and step boldly into the bright shiny future.  Or, you know, don’t. As 2018 closed, our family had to say a sudden goodbye to … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Writing | 1 Comment

On Mortar and Mothers

I’ve been doing a lot of reading about mortar.  You know, that goopy stuff that goes between bricks or stones and holds them all together?  Mortar. You’ve never given it much thought, have you?  Neither had I until I began … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture/stonemasonry, Family | 1 Comment