Category Archives: Creativity

Story Magic

Several months ago, I sat in a writing workshop put on by the wonderful Writer’s League of Texas, and the instructor had us do some quick writing using the skills we were learning about. I wrote about a mailman who … Continue reading

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Radio Silence

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy living or writing. I have, however, been wearing my parenting hat a lot of late, answering more to the sound of “Momma?” than to … Continue reading

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A writer’s prayer

Let the air and ideas float around me While I sit among papers and words. Let me submerge myself in fable and adventure And grasp the whisper on the wind. Today let me live in possibility, Allowing myself to wander … Continue reading

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Notes from the road to 50,000

The tale of a novel in progress: As most of you know, in November I participated in NaNoWriMo.  For the uninitiated, that stands for National Novel Writing Month, where each November, thousands of people attempt to write a 50,000 word … Continue reading

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I am – a poem

Over the past couple of years, I have spent some time working with kids trying to write an “I am” poem.  Recently I had another such day.  The kids stared at the prompt, not understanding what was required of them.  … Continue reading

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