Category Archives: Writing

Creativity in the time of Covid

If you will give yourself to study, you will easy every burden of life, you will neither wish for night to come or for the light to fail; neither shall you be worried or preoccupied with other things. Seneca During … Continue reading

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New Year comes around again

The new beginnings of January.  The time to start afresh, to set resolutions, to make goals and step boldly into the bright shiny future.  Or, you know, don’t. As 2018 closed, our family had to say a sudden goodbye to … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Writing | 1 Comment

The eBook Question.

I recently took a class taught by Anna Castle on self-publishing in which she asked the audience how many had read an ebook.  Most attendees raised their hands, including myself.  Then I got to thinking.  Sure, I read ebooks.  I … Continue reading

Posted in Book Review, Libraries, Reading, Writing | 2 Comments

A day apart

On Saturday I joined a group of about fifteen writers for a writers’ retreat.  A day to join others of my tribe for a day of quiet focused work in a beautiful serene setting without the normal interruptions and distractions.  … Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Writing | Comments Off on A day apart

Falling into Productivity

It’s almost time……. I love the start of the school year, the kids returning to a full-time schedule of being somewhere else, the long hours alone in the quiet house, just me and the cat begging for food.  After the … Continue reading

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