Category Archives: Writing

Falling into Productivity

It’s almost time……. I love the start of the school year, the kids returning to a full-time schedule of being somewhere else, the long hours alone in the quiet house, just me and the cat begging for food.  After the … Continue reading

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Story Magic

Several months ago, I sat in a writing workshop put on by the wonderful Writer’s League of Texas, and the instructor had us do some quick writing using the skills we were learning about. I wrote about a mailman who … Continue reading

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The year is 1568. Queen Elizabeth sits on the throne of England. Mary, Queen of Scots, has fled Scotland seeking refuge with her cousin Elizabeth. Instead, she finds herself imprisoned and turned over to the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury. … Continue reading

Posted in England, Longleat, Robert Smythson, Travel, Writing | 1 Comment

Trees, continued

I first mentioned my current obsession with trees here.  Please, allow me to continue to ramble on.  My current WIP takes place in a dense forest, similar to or based on the dense forests in southwest Germany or the Alsace … Continue reading

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A writer’s prayer

Let the air and ideas float around me While I sit among papers and words. Let me submerge myself in fable and adventure And grasp the whisper on the wind. Today let me live in possibility, Allowing myself to wander … Continue reading

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