Author Archives: Katherine J. Scott

About Katherine J. Scott

Welcome to my website and blog. I am a writer and librarian interested in historical fiction. My works in progress include a trilogy about a stonemason from Elizabethan England and a novel loosely based on the Hunt of the Unicorn Tapestries housed at the Cloisters in New York.

Until we meet again

Apparently my manuscript is lying dormant for winter. It has found a nice dark cave to hibernate in, has curled up, and gone to sleep. It’s done this before. I’m learning not to panic. It will call to me again, … Continue reading

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Longleat – a poem

Longleat If walls could talk The stories they would tell Of rising, falling, Burning and soaring The walls hold scars Of battles fought and tempers lost Pursuing perfection Whatever the cost What hands brought them to life? Who pulled the … Continue reading

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On Writing

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The Books of Childhood, Part II

The story of a story It’s a mysterious thing how some of the books we read in childhood stay with us. Some wait patiently for us, boxed away in our parents’ attic. Some are read and re-read every year, treasured, … Continue reading

Posted in Libraries, Reading | 1 Comment

Happy New Year

2016. A fresh start. A renewed commitment to what is important. I don’t usually do resolutions, but I do usually welcome the opportunity to begin again in terms of health and productivity. There is something easy and refreshing about putting … Continue reading

Posted in Family | 1 Comment