Author Archives: Katherine J. Scott

About Katherine J. Scott

Welcome to my website and blog. I am a writer and librarian interested in historical fiction. My works in progress include a trilogy about a stonemason from Elizabethan England and a novel loosely based on the Hunt of the Unicorn Tapestries housed at the Cloisters in New York.

Thoughts on Reading, part II

A personal history of reading I grew up as the youngest child in a family that read. They read. I did not. I wanted to talk, to do, to make noise, to interact. They wanted to sit quietly and read. … Continue reading

Posted in Libraries, Reading | 1 Comment

Summer of C.S. Lewis: Final Thoughts

Well, I met my goal: four books in four months. One old, three new. Perhaps I cheated a little at the end, choosing a work of fiction that I had not originally planned on, but as it turned out to … Continue reading

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Summer of C.S. Lewis, part IV

The Screwtape Letters The fourth and last C.S. Lewis book I read this summer was The Screwtape Letters. This one was not originally on my list. I had heard it was written from the devil’s perspective. No thank you, I’ve … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Reading, part I

My reading habits: who I read Someone recently asked me who my favorite author was.  I didn’t have an answer. It was a reasonable question for someone who claims to be a writer and a librarian. Why didn’t I have … Continue reading

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Summer of C.S. Lewis, part III

Miracles The third C.S. Lewis book I read this summer was Miracles. For my thoughts on the first two, look here and here. It was by far the hardest of the Lewis books I’ve read so far. Miracles challenges us … Continue reading

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