Category Archives: Faith

Thoughts on Illuminations, by Mary Sharratt.

Sometimes God sends you a fiction book to read at just the right time, a book that will teach or tell you something that you might not have learned another way.  Have you ever had a book on your TBR … Continue reading

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Summer of Psalms, week 2

Psalm 46 1 God is our refuge and strength,     an ever-present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way     and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 3 though its waters roar and foam     and … Continue reading

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Summer of Psalms

Last year I spent the summer reading C.S. Lewis’s books.  You can see my thoughts on these books here. This year, I thought I would turn to one of my favorite places in scripture, the Psalms, and share some of … Continue reading

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Twenty years ago

Twenty years ago I quit my job, rented out my condo, packed all my possessions and one persnickety Siamese cat into a big yellow truck, arranged for my friend Natalie to be my co-pilot, and moved to Austin to attend … Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Family | 2 Comments

Summer of C.S. Lewis: Final Thoughts

Well, I met my goal: four books in four months. One old, three new. Perhaps I cheated a little at the end, choosing a work of fiction that I had not originally planned on, but as it turned out to … Continue reading

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