Category Archives: Family

The Books of Childhood

When my parents cleaned out the house that had been their home for 30 years and moved across the country to be close to grandchildren and far from snow, they brought with them several boxes of my old belongings that … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Kids, Reading | 1 Comment

Summer of C.S. Lewis: Final Thoughts

Well, I met my goal: four books in four months. One old, three new. Perhaps I cheated a little at the end, choosing a work of fiction that I had not originally planned on, but as it turned out to … Continue reading

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We recently returned from a 10 day trip to Colorado. For many of my friends, traveling is something they do regularly (for one, it’s something she does full-time), but for us, it’s rare. We stay put. We’re home bodies. For … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Kids, Travel | 2 Comments