Category Archives: Libraries

The Books of Childhood, Part II

The story of a story It’s a mysterious thing how some of the books we read in childhood stay with us. Some wait patiently for us, boxed away in our parents’ attic. Some are read and re-read every year, treasured, … Continue reading

Posted in Libraries, Reading | 1 Comment

Thoughts on Reading, part II

A personal history of reading I grew up as the youngest child in a family that read. They read. I did not. I wanted to talk, to do, to make noise, to interact. They wanted to sit quietly and read. … Continue reading

Posted in Libraries, Reading | 1 Comment

Thoughts on Reading, part I

My reading habits: who I read Someone recently asked me who my favorite author was.  I didn’t have an answer. It was a reasonable question for someone who claims to be a writer and a librarian. Why didn’t I have … Continue reading

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