Category Archives: Writing

WIP Update

So, how’s the book coming? My Work-in-Progress is part one of a planned trilogy. I have a rough draft completed and so much research it boggles the mind. But I’m not happy with the story. I started out telling one … Continue reading

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Writing Resources, part II

Continuing to look at resources I use along this writing journey, this list looks at some of my favorite books. “I think all teachings about writing are good. Wonderful, in fact. Taken as a whole, the oeuvre of writing wisdom … Continue reading

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Writing Resources, part I

Below are some of my favorite writing resources, although upon closer scrutiny perhaps “reading resources” would be a better description. List I: Facebook pages and groups. Many of these pages correspond to matching websites as well

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Conference Thoughts

During the last weekend in June, almost 450 historical novel enthusiasts gathered in Denver, Colorado, to discuss all things historical. Most were writers, some published, some not. All were avid readers of the genre. There were authors, editors, and agents. … Continue reading

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My writing life

For years I have harbored a secret identity as a writer. Many years ago I took writing classes, joined a writing group, pecked away at various short stories and poems. Then I dropped it and pursued other interests, but the … Continue reading

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