Happy New Year


A fresh start. A renewed commitment to what is important.

I don’t usually do resolutions, but I do usually welcome the opportunity to begin again in terms of health and productivity. There is something easy and refreshing about putting aside half a month (or more) of sloth and gluttony in exchange for some salad and daily exercise.

I enjoy reflecting on the past year, looking ahead and setting goals. By nature I am a journaler, a list maker, a planner, so these come naturally to me. New years and the start of a school year are both an opportunity to start afresh, with a fresh supply of calendars, planners and notebooks. I’m in my happy place.

The putting away of the Christmas stuff (but not until the 12th day, Epiphany or January 6th), cleaning out the special and making room for the ordinary, gets us back to our routines, renewed and refreshed with a chance to finally get it right this time. To organize and clear out, removing what no longer serves, whether it’s an old habit, a broken kitchen utensil or a pair of pants that you finally admit, that no matter how many new year’s diets you begin, will never fit. We clear out our minds, souls and closets and feel rejuvenated. We say goodbye to the old and hello to the new.

2015 was a year of ups and downs, as all years tend to be, highlighted by this public endeavor of writing. December got the best of me, as it often does. I have not yet learned how to do Christmas without the stress. No writing got done in the midst of shopping, baking, decorating, list making and worrying. The pleaser in me was in full force, wanting the holidays to be perfect for everyone.

2016 is shaping up to be perhaps one of our busiest. My husband and I are both taking on additional work commitments in an effort to bolster our finances. I will be having a very significant birthday in the spring. We’re planning a trip out of the country, welcoming our first niece or nephew into the world, and helping our oldest child start high school. Whew, I’m exhausted. And that’s just the things we have planned. By the time we get to 2017, I’m sure I’ll be reflecting on lots of surprise events and happenings.

This year I am also committed to continue this journey of writing, to continue researching, writing, to visit where Robert Smythson worked, to touch the stone his hands put into place, and to spring forth a finished manuscript. I don’t think this will be easy, but I know for certain that if I do not try, it won’t happen at all.

So, here’s to eating leafy greens more often and checking Facebook less often. Here’s to celebrating every step forward and laughing at every step backward. Here’s to reaching for our goals and our potential. Here’s to 2016. May it be a great year for all of us.

About Katherine J. Scott

Welcome to my website and blog. I am a writer and librarian interested in historical fiction. My works in progress include a trilogy about a stonemason from Elizabethan England and a novel loosely based on the Hunt of the Unicorn Tapestries housed at the Cloisters in New York.
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One Response to Happy New Year

  1. Santiago says:

    I think we should resolve to survive the year.

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