Summer of C.S. Lewis: Final Thoughts

Well, I met my goal: four books in four months. One old, three new. Perhaps I cheated a little at the end, choosing a work of fiction that I had not originally planned on, but as it turned out to be the one with the biggest spiritual impact, perhaps that was for the best. This summer I also read aloud (to my daughter) several books by Noel Streatfeild (Ballet Shoes, Movie Shoes, Theatre Shoes) all written around the same time (1940s England). So much reading done in the language of that time period begins to rub off on me and I think I began to think in the more formal word patterns. As I’ve said before, I’m interested in time periods related to my parents’ childhood, so it has been enjoyable. My daughter and I also encountered new vocabulary words and had many discussions about rationing, coupons, and making do.

I talked to a friend about Lewis and she said he was too much of a cynic for her taste. What does it say about me that I enjoy his work? For me, his cynicism is what makes him so good. He relates to other cynics and meets their arguments head on. I liked his logical and methodical arguments rather than preachiness, progressing from point to point, mostly in an interesting and entertaining manner.   Lewis often uses unusual comparisons or creative examples, and in the case of Screwtape, turns everything up on its head. You may not always agree with everything he writes, but if it gets you thinking about what and why you believe or think what you do, then I think he has accomplished something.

The summer had its ups and downs, but overall it was a fun and positive experience to read and really think about Lewis’s books. I think I’m ready for Bible study to begin again. Revelation this year, so it may not get any easier.

About Katherine J. Scott

Welcome to my website and blog. I am a writer and librarian interested in historical fiction. My works in progress include a trilogy about a stonemason from Elizabethan England and a novel loosely based on the Hunt of the Unicorn Tapestries housed at the Cloisters in New York.
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