Until we meet again

Apparently my manuscript is lying dormant for winter. It has found a nice dark cave to hibernate in, has curled up, and gone to sleep.

It’s done this before. I’m learning not to panic. It will call to me again, and we’ll reunite and try to pick up where we left off, a little rusty but also refreshed from the break.

In the meantime, while it slumbers, I’ve picked up a few other projects that flagged me down. A short story, another book idea, a poem or two (see below) and a few other odds and ends.

For the next couple of months, I’ll be wearing my librarian hat full-time and my writer hat will take a rest. I hope it will not gather too much dust or forget the shape of my head. I will miss it, but I will enjoy connecting young readers with great books, encouraging them to take a risk and try something new.

I will try to stay connected to the creative word until my book needs me again. And hope that when it awakens, it will be ravenous for progress and I will feed it glorious words.

Until we meet again,

Write on…….

About Katherine J. Scott

Welcome to my website and blog. I am a writer and librarian interested in historical fiction. My works in progress include a trilogy about a stonemason from Elizabethan England and a novel loosely based on the Hunt of the Unicorn Tapestries housed at the Cloisters in New York.
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