Writing Resources, part I

Below are some of my favorite writing resources, although upon closer scrutiny perhaps “reading resources” would be a better description.

List I: Facebook pages and groups. Many of these pages correspond to matching websites as well

5. Tudor Book Blog – lots of fun Tudor history facts and news about new Tudor books.

4. Historical-Fiction.com – book reviews and giveaways about a wide variety of historical fiction books.

3. Historical Novel Society – the place for new historical fiction (public group) – wonderful resource for book news and general questions regarding writing in the genre. The downside is that it is so active, that it can clog up your news feed. Warning: results in too many books being added to the “to be read” pile.

2. Writers Write – this is an organization that offers writing courses in South Africa. A little far to travel, admittedly, but I enjoy their writing humor, literary birthdays, writing prompts, and other tidbits of motivation and advice.

1. Writer’s Circle – this is my favorite of the writing-related fb pages I have found. I find daily motivation and resources through their posts. My favorites are the charts they post of alternate ways to say or describe things. I have many of them copied and saved in a word document for later reference. If you haven’t liked this gem yet, do so.

So, writer friends, what resources can you add to this list? What are your favorites?

About Katherine J. Scott

Welcome to my website and blog. I am a writer and librarian interested in historical fiction. My works in progress include a trilogy about a stonemason from Elizabethan England and a novel loosely based on the Hunt of the Unicorn Tapestries housed at the Cloisters in New York.
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